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Closed StackOff-shelf Library Retrieval Service Key Points

Closed Stack Library Retrieval Service Key Points
In maintenance of a comfortable reading environment and our collections, the National Library of Public Information established an closed Stackoff-shelf library, open to retrieval requests made by readers via our collection search system to facilitate circulations.
The closed Stack library is divided into rentals and non-rentals. The rental period for the former is as same as other common rental collections for a period of 30 days; and the latter is limited to reading inside the library on the day.​A retrieval notification will be sent via email or SMS by the system automatically.

Book Retrieval Time:
1.The collections at the main library can be retrieved at the main library.(The retrieval service is divided into four periods.)
Book Retrieval TimeThe period for requesting retrieval of materialsThe pick-up time
the first rungFrom 5:00 PM of the previous open day to 9:00 AM of the current day.After 10:00 AM on the same day.
the second rungFrom 9:00 AM to 11:00 AM on the same day .Afternoon of the same day.
 the third rungFrom 11:00 AM to 2:00 PM on the same day.After 3 PM on the same day.
the fourth rungFrom 2:00 PM to 5:00 PM on the same day.After 6 PM on the same day (excluding Sundays).

2.Collection from Main Library in Branch Library: The requested materials will be sent to the designated branch library within 14 working days (excluding holidays) from the day of application.
3.The requested materials that have been retrieved from the closed stacks will be held for 7 days from the day they arrive at the designated pick-up location. During the holding period, reservation cannot be canceled or the pick-up location changed.
